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FAQ of Automatic Rendering Machine for Wall

/FAQ of Automatic Rendering Machine for Wall

FAQ of Automatic Rendering Machine for Wall

1.You can earn your machine back after 2500 sqm plaster machine.It makes rendering easier, faster and effortless.
2.the uprights can be folded, and the folding upright is not needed to be disassembled.
3.It can reach the very top of the roof.
4..The plastering machine can work with different mortar,такие как цементный раствор,gypsum mortar,lime mortar,и т. д..

The ratio of the raw material is Cement: Sand=1:3 или 1:4.

The Rendering thickness of the plastering machine is 2mm-30mm, it can be adjusted.

1.Engineers available to service machinery overseas.

2.The warranty period for this cement plastering machine is 1 year.

3.Our sales ream will response for your question within 24 hours.

4.If necessary, you can come to our factory to test the machine and learn the operation of the rendering machine.

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