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Multifunction mortar spraying machine feature

/Multifunction mortar spraying machine feature

Multifunction mortar spraying machine feature

This PLASTERING MACHINE is a kind of screw type with high pressure mortar spraying machine, advanced technology, operation and simple maintenance, no special training, can be proficient in operation. This machine is mainly used for building internal and external wall, cement mortar spraying and the outer wall insulation mortar spraying, refractory coating.Multi-usage, can spray mortar, waterproof coating, рефрактерный материал, is not subject to regional and environmental conditions and the influence of the coating surface shape.

1.Construction grouting: high pressure grouting for reservoir, hydropower station, dam, port, whart; reinforcement grouting for soft foundation; backfill grouting or rock bolting for tunnel, метро, mining well ect.
2.Slurry circulation or mortar backfill in deep mine construction of ground source heat pump.
3.Mortar delivery for weight bridge, masonry and plastering.
4.Mortar delivery and plastering of commercial mortar or other mortar with perfect performance.

Putty powder, краска, латексная краска, настоящая каменная краска, цементный раствор, сухой порошковый раствор, insulation mortar, водонепроницаемый материал, огнезащитные материалы, insulation materials, sound absorbing materials and other water-soluble materials.

The plastering machine is easy to use, high speed, province materials, artificial and cheaper. One machine with three people, 150 square/hour (thickness 2 см).

машина для распыления раствора

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